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Sport Rocketry / Online Resources / Rocketry Libraries / Plans

    Model Rocket Building: Finding Those Old Kit Instructions and Plans (2011-06-04)
    Most all who build and clone model rockets know of these sites, There may be a few here you haven't seen: On The Rocketry Forum, Bradycros was looking for kit instructions on the Estes Website. ... [Read More]

    Rocket Dungeon: Wireless launch controller plans on Gadget Freak (2011-06-08)
    Gadget Freak Case #188: Rocket Controller Goes Wireless [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Centuri Finless Rocket Plans from Jim Z's (2011-10-06)
    Here's a fun one: I've had great luck with the 13mm BT-5 based Hot Rod Rockets Bell Bottom, I wanted to make one for 18mm engines. I remember seeing ... [Read More]

    Wayne Hill's Blog: Plans: Build your own Model Rocket Launch Controller (2014-04-13)
      Great plans available over at Make. Link to the Step by step plans can be found here [Read More]

    Rich's Rockets: JimZ resurrection (2017-01-04)
    For people interested in out of production rockets (particularly in cloning them), JimZ’s Rocket Plans at has been a really valuable resource. ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: JimZ's Is Back! (2017-01-08)
    JimZ is Back! If you don't know this website, it holds many old rocket kit instructions and publications. Here's the address: I understand the address has ... [Read More]