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Rocketry Videos

By Peak Rocketry

Madcow AGM-33 Pike on Aerotech I366R (2017-06-18)
On board video of a Madcow AGM-33 Pike (4" version) flying to 1,7664' on an Aerotech I366 Redline motor. Beautiful flight despite some 15mph winds. [View]

Madcow AGM-33 Pike on Aerotech I435T (2018-04-25)
CRMRC launch 4-22-2018. My Madcow AGM-33 Pike climbing to 2,200' on an Aerotech I435T. Jolly Logic Chute Release at 300;. [View]

Wildman Darkstar Jr (2016-08-21)
Kevin Thomson's flight with a Wildman Darkstar JR at CRMRC on an Aerotech H148R at CRMRC on 8/20/2016. This was a failed NAR L1 certification attempt. The chute jammed in the body tube and failed to ... [View]

Videos by Peak Rocketry at YouTube