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Dick Stafford's Rocket Dungeon Blog

Rocket Dungeon Posts

Sport Rocketry / Online Resources / Other Rocketry Web Sites

    New format to the LAUNCH history website (2010-08-20)
    It's been awhile since I though about LAUNCH Magazine and longer since I looked for any web presence, but now I see that they (whoever or whatever 'they' may be) have a new look - launchhistory.com ... [Read More]

    Test of EMRR flight log widget (2011-03-13)
    Pretty cool. The new EMRR site can generate widgets (animated GIF's) of either your recent flight logs or images from your gallery. [Read More]

    "Welcome to the current state of the U.S. manned space program." (2012-04-30)
    Verna and Randy start their May Photo of the Month feature with a double dose of rocket depression.  They remind us of lost glory with a view of the venerable Pad 39 and state clearly my ... [Read More]