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All Rocketry Blogs

Other Rocketry / Other

    Rocket Dungeon: The new killer app: the rocket-powered 'super soaker' (?) (2009-03-11)
    The Wall Street Journal has an article that outlines various proposals for cleaning up the growing quantity of space junk that is building up over our heads - A Cosmic Question: How to Get Rid Of ... [Read More]

    High Power Rocketry: Making Daedalus Practical (2010-08-26)
    This web page covers ongoing work on a modern version of Daedalus, by TZF and BIS. One recent post discussed the use of propellant tanks as communication relays that would be dropped off along the ... [Read More]

    Rocket Dungeon: Stuntman successfully flies the "Evel Spirit" over the Snake River (2016-09-16)
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