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Greg Smith's quest to spend even more money on rocket science Blog

Greg Smith's Blog Posts

Sport Rocketry / Software / Modeling and Simulation / OpenRocket

    Lagger: Plaster City 1/1/11 Launch Report (2011-01-21)
    The coolness of the date of this launch was exceeded only by the complete lack of wind and excellent flying conditions all day. The primary reason for this delayed report is that I was trying to ... [Read More]

    April Lucerne launch report - Go, K300, go! (2015-05-03)
    I flew my first CTI 2546K300 at Lucerne last month and I'm a big fan. I busted out my robust but rarely flown Vertical Assault from Giant Leap Rocketry and the flight sim'd to 14,000' AGL. ... [Read More]