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Motors / Aerotech / G64
Onboard Rocket Camera, Arreaux G64-10W
I just received my "Key Chain Cam" from China and was eager to see some cool video. I taped it to the side of the payload bay of my AT Arreaux and threw in a G64-10W and a Perfectflite MiniAlt/WD to record some data. I am honestly BLOWN away at the quality for the size of this device. It has great quality video and audio. The parachute deployment on this video is AWESOME! Right at apogee! Watch and enjoy! P.S. I will be using a single chute for the next ride and maybe that will help stablize the video on the descent.

 Rocketry Product: Aerotech - Arreaux {Kit} (89013) [1989-]

Author rockytysonrocketman
Duration 166 seconds
Rating Best

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