"Big Enough To Know Better" 8in Rocket Launch (2015-03-08)This footage was taken roughly 1,500 ft away from the pad. Rocket Information: 8 in diameter, 127 lb at the pad and, 13 ft tall! Altitude reached: 13,600 ft. Max speed: Mach 0.88 (roughly 670mph) ... [View]
Amazing O Motor Drag Race (2018-01-02)MDRA Christmas Drag Race 2017 with 2 AGM-33 Pike rockets flying on O3400 Imax motors with the Higgs Farm rocket in the middle flying on an M6400 Vmax [View]
CTI O3400 launch Airfest 20 (2014-09-04)28,882 feet in altitude. 1.61 mach. Landed within 2 miles of pad. Rocket called ""O" My" [View]
LDRS 38 - 27-ft-tall O-to-P two-stage rocket by Tim Lehr (2019-09-02)On Saturday, August 31, 2019, at LDRS 38 on the rocket pasture in Argonia, KS, "Wildman" Tim Lehr attempted his ambitious O9400 to P8000 two-stager with a 27-foot-tall rocket. A forward O-ring ... [View]
LDRS 38 - O3400 flight by Wayne Comfort (2019-09-02)On Sunday, September 1, 2019, at LDRS 38 on the rocket pasture in Argonia, KS, Wayne Comfort launched his 50-lb Wildman rocket to 21000 feet on an O3400 [View]
Other Peoples' Rockets at BALLS 2018 (2018-09-25)OPR: 1) A high-power drag race of oversized Der Max rockets 2) A P10000 launch, with an O3400 sustainer 3) a 3-stage rocket with 3 N motors and active stabilization and 4) air-starting 4 J motors, ... [View]