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Rocketry Links

Rocketry Links / Construction / Nose Cones
Design a Rocket Nose Cone (with Software)
An article describing basic nose cone shapes and how to model them using Matlab.
How to Make Hollow Nose Cone from Sheet Balsa
This Apogee newsletter includes an article on how to create a hollow nose cone from balsa sheets.
How to Make a Nose Cone
Jeff Boldig describes how to make a nose cone out of fiberglass over a turned foam core.
How to Make Custom Foam Nose Cones
The Apogee newsletter includes an article on how to make your own custom foam nose cones.
How to Make Paper 'Ogive' Nose Cones & Tail Cones (Part 1)
David Stribling describes how to make paper nose cones that approximate an ogive shape.
How to Make Paper 'Ogive' Nose Cones & Tail Cones (Part 2)
Part two of the article on how to construct paper ogive nose cones is in this issue.
Making Ultra-Light Fiberglass Nose Cones
This issue of Apogee's Peak of Flight newsletter includes an article on creating light-weight fiberglass nose cones.
Molding a Nosecone Using a Pressure Bladder
A discussion of using a pressure bladder inside a mold to create a rocket nose cone.
Using Balsa Formers and Stringers to Make a Nose Cone
George Gassaway describes how to make a nose cone from balsa stringers, formers, and wood planks - a technique often used for model airplanes.