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R2K's High Power Rocketry Blog

High Power Rocketry Posts

Sport Rocketry / Components / Nose Cones

    Nose cone parade (2007-07-14)
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    More nose cones (2007-11-21)
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    Nose Cone Parade (2008-02-28)
    This is the post I do when I don't have anything to post. There is no object in the world or beyond that is as cool, as good looking, as indicative of the speed and power of rocketry, as a nose ... [Read More]

    "Honey did you remember to baste the nose cone?" (2010-01-06)
    A missile nose cone being tested with intense heat, as part of reasearch on re-entry into the [Earth's] atmosphere from space. Photo: Don Cravens/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images Mar 01, 1958 [Read More]

    A ton of balsa nose cones (2011-12-05)
    Sunward [Read More]

    Black Brant nose cone (2012-04-16)
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    Casting a fiberglass nose cone (2013-07-01)
      http://www.thefintels.com [Read More]