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All Videos by ninfreak27

Estes "Amazon" Launch (2011-11-19)
Estes "Magician" launching on D12-5 (2011-10-22)

This is my first attempt to launch the Estes "Magician" rocket on a D12-5 engine. This rocket will also take the larger E9-6 engine, but as you can tell from the video, the smaller D12-5 gives it plenty of power to reach pretty high altitudes (approx 1000ft). The parachute deployed perfectly at the apogee, but the wind carried it across a road into an adjacent field. The recovery was a bit muddy, but it came out fine in the end :)

How to put together an Aerotech reload engine (2011-10-22)

Putting together my Aerotech 24/40 reload case with an F39-9T reload. My dad helps fill in when I have a brain fart :)

IO launch on Aerotech F40 reload (2011-10-22)

After a few failed attempts, we finally send the IO on it's maiden launch with an F40 reload shot. It was pretty satisfying to see my hard work pay off (it's the first one I built %100 by myself).

Launch Pad PAC-3 launched with Estes D12-3 (2011-07-13)

First launch of my PAC-3 rocket model by The Launch Pad on an Estes D12-3. It gets to about 300ft and arcs perfectly. Great set-up for a smaller field. Next engine will be an Aerotech E30-7

Launch Pad PAC-3 SAM with Aerotech F24-7 reload motor (2011-10-22)

Me launching my PAC-3 SAM on a Aerotech F24-7 reload motor using homemade portable launch pad and 12V/6V launch system.

Launch-Pad A-9 Sidewinder launch on Estes D12-5 motor (2011-10-22)

My dad launching his Launch Pad A-9 Sidewinder missile model. Next missile - PAC3-SAM

PAC-3 misfire!! (2011-10-22)

My PAC-3 blasting off on TEST CURRENT!! Needless to say this shook me up a little bit, but that's what happens when you run a 12V test on a 6V ignition set-up.

Pubic Missiles Explorer on an Aerotech G40-10W (2011-10-22)

My dad's Public Missiles Explorer fire on an Aerotech G40-10W single use. This was the maiden launch and it turned out perfect

Public Missiles Explorer on G64-10W reload (2011-10-22)

The Public Missiles Explorer kit fired on a G64-10W reload.