| aix1.wmv (2011-07-13)      Video clips of the maiden launch of our scratchbuilt, 1/70 semi-scale Ares IX rocket on 16 August 2010. This video is posted in observance of next week's 1st anniversary of NASA's Ares IX shot. It is dedicated to the Ares IX management team, the members of which were most kind in showing interest to our model and its flight.
 | Launch Of Delta #10 Model Rocket - May 29, 2004 (2011-07-13)      Short video of launch of our semi-scale Delta #10 from our primary East Tennessee launch site, "Cape Clinch." Power was 2 x D12 (Delta "core") and 2 x C6 ("strap-on" boosters"). Rocket reached apogee of about 650 feet AGL, but was damaged by a hard landing. Model was subsequently refurbished, with the addition of a third C6 "strap-on". To be flown as out-of-sequence Delta #11 in the coming weeks.
 | Launch Of Delta #18 Model Rocket - February 20, 2008 (2011-07-13)      On the 46th anniversary of John Glenn's Mercury/Atlas 6 mission aboard Friendship 7, we launched our semi-scale Delta #18 carrying an AIPTEK PocketDV vidcam. Power was 1 Estes E9-6 motor. Vidcam and booster were (temporarily, it is hoped,) lost in high trees to the south of the range due to shift of winds from westerly to northerly.
 | Launch Of Delta #21 Model Rocket - March 16, 2008 (2011-06-20)      Ground video of the successful launch of our 1/32 semi-scale Delta model rocket from "Cape Clinch," Tennessee, on March 16, 2008. Power was 1 x Estes C6-5 in the Delta "core" and 2 x D12-0 in two of the "strap-on" boosters. (Two additional "strap-ons" were dummies for this flight, but each may be loaded with a C6 or D12-class motor.) Bird reached an apogee of approximately 500 feet AGL, carrying an AIPTEK PocketDV flash vidcam. However, a loose battery compartment cover caused loss of the onboard video data.
 | Launch Of Delta #8 Model Rocket - December 27, 2003 (2011-07-13)      Brief video of Delta #8 liftoff from our primary East Tennessee launch site, "Cape Clinch." Power was 1 x D12 (Delta "core") plus 4 x D12 ("strap-on" boosters). One D12 booster failed to ignite, causing pitchover of the model, resulting in an apogee of only about 300 feet AGL.
 | Launch Of Delta 13 Model Rocket On 4/21/07 (2011-06-17)      Second successful launch of this semi-scale, scratchbuilt model of Boeing's Delta launch vehicle. Power was 2 x Estes D12-3, but model is capable of 5 x D12-3 power.
 | Launch Of Delta 16 Model Rocket (2011-06-19)      Launch of semi-scale model of the Boeing Delta rocket.
 | Launch of Delta 17 Model Rocket (2011-05-29)      Launch of semi-scale model of the Boeing Delta rocket.
 | Launch of NASA's MESSENGER, 8/3/04 (2011-07-13)      Video of launch of Delta 7925 carrying NASA's MESSENGER Mercury probe on its seven-year journey. Shot by brother Jim from Port Canaveral's Jetty Park Pier, 8/3/04.
 | tenbuck1feb212010.wmv (2011-07-13)      A quick shot of a launch of tenbuck 1, feb. 21, 2010. D-12-3 main and 2 C-6-3 booster motors. Flight and recovery were a success.
 | The Maiden Launch Of Our Ares IX Model Rocket (2011-07-13)      First launch of our 1/70 semi-scale, scratchbuilt Ares IX model rocket on August 16, 2009. Power was from twin Estes D12-3 rocket motors. Recovery was successful after 48 seconds in the air.