| DARS Ellis County Farm TARC task rocket flight (2011-10-09)      DARS - Dallas Area Rocket Society - opens a new flying field in rural Ellis County, Texas, near the town of Waxahachie. This flight is a 3" TARC-task rocket on a Roadrunner F60.
 | DARS Opens new Ellis County Farm rocket launch site (2011-10-09)      DARS, the Dallas Area Rocket Society, has a new flying field in Ellis County, near the town of Waxahachie, in north Texas. DARS president Jack Sprague takes you on a quick tour of the one-mile square high powered capable flying field.
 | NASA-SLI Northwest HS (TX) Boostervision Test 2-20-2010 (2011-05-31)      Northwest high School, Fort Worth, TX - participating in the 2009-2010 NASA Student Launch Initiative (NASA-SLI) program. Teams from 13 high schools across the country participate in this program to design, build, and launch a rocket carrying a scientific payload to one mile (5280 feet), and return it safely. We will be flying with a Boostervision 2.4 gHz video system strapped to the side of our rocket when it flies at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama this April. This is the first engineering test of the video system at the Dallas Area Rocket Society (DARS) launch at Frisco, TX, on Feb 20, 2010.
 | NASA-SLI Northwest HS (TX) Half-Scale 2nd flight 1-16-2010 (2011-05-31)      Northwest high School, Fort Worth, TX - participating in the 2009-2010 NASA Student Launch Initiative (NASA-SLI) program. Teams from 13 high schools across the country participate in this program to design, build, and launch a rocket carrying a scientific payload to one mile (5280 feet), and return it safely. Teams must fly a half-scale engineering model as part of the design process. this is the second flight of our engineering model on Jan 16, 2010 at the DARS (Dallas Area Rocket Society) launch in Frisco, TX. For more information on our NASA-SLI Team see www.texanengineering.org .
 | NASA-SLI Northwest HS (TX) Half-scale first flight 1-16-2010. (2011-05-31)      Northwest high School, Fort Worth, TX - participating in the 2009-2010 NASA Student Launch Initiative (NASA-SLI) program. Teams from 13 high schools across the country participate in this program to design, build, and launch a rocket carrying a scientific payload to one mile (5280 feet), and return it safely. Teams must fly a half-scale engineering model as part of the design process. this is the first flight of our engineering model on Jan 16, 2010 at the DARS (Dallas Area Rocket Society) launch in Frisco, TX. For more information on our NASA-SLI team see www.texanengineering.org .
 | Northwest HS NASA-SLI test launch 3-13-2010.wmv (2011-05-31)      The Northwest High School (Fort Worth, TX) NASA-SLI team launched their full-scale project rocket on March 13, 2010 at the Hearne Municipal Airport in Hearne, TX at a regularly scheduled Houston Tripoli #002 launch. It flew to 2583 feet on an AeroTech J-415. The full scale rocket will fly to one mile on a Cesaroni K1200 at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, AL, during the Student Launch Initiative gathering in mid-April 2010.