"Baby Q" 13 M motors! (2014-09-23)Thirteen M motors light at different times pushing this -500lb rocket sideways toward Callico at BALLS23 [View]
54mm min dia on K375NW (2010-09-20)54mm minimum diameter. Very short. Scratch built. Hand-built fins. 43" 6.96lbs loaded K375 warp9 to white lightning Aerotech Boost-Sustain 54/2560 17,248 AGL mach 2.24 59Gs [View]
Bryce C - N1800 min dia pad video (2014-09-17) (NEW)Bryce flies his 98mm minimum diameter rocket on a Jamieson N1800Rx [View]
Daisuke Sakais 4 inch project failure at XPRS 2010 M1315 (2010-10-24)Video by James Lloyd. Bluetube coupler failure leads to flight failure. XPRS2010 [View]
flying spool and a Skeeter on a J135 (2010-08-09)random rockets at aeronaut 2010 [View]
k185 and h170 (2010-08-09)flights at aeronaut 2010 [View]
Kevin M - K375Nw Min dia (2016-09-28)Kevin McGrath flies his 54mm minimum diameter rocket 'Iron Man' on an AeroTech K375 NW. warp9 to white lightning at XPRS 2016 [View]
Mike B - K560w (2014-12-07)Mike flies his beautiful dominator 4 on an Aerotech K1000W at Snow Ranch 2014 [View]
Mike B - K560w Pad video (2014-12-07)Mike flies a Dominator 4 on an Aerotech K560w at Snow Ranch 2014 [View]