AGM 33 PIKE on a CTI J530 I-MAX at URRF4 (2017-07-03)Madcow 4" AGM 33 PIKE on the largest 38mm CTI motor available a 1115-J530 I-MAX. At URRF4 in Potter NY on 6/24/17. Dual Deploy with redundant Eggtimer Quantum altimeters. [View]
Double Trouble CATO at URRG 9-23-17 (2017-09-29)Two stage high power rocket failure at URRG launch at Potter NY on 9-23-17. Failure of the front bulkhead in a 38mm CTI motor led to a catastrophic air frame failure of my Madcow/RW Double Shot. [View]
High Power ARCAS at MARS 8-20-17 (2017-08-26)A perfect flight of my 2.6" MADCOW ARCAS on a CTI J530 Motor.flown at MARS launch in Geneseo, NY [View]
TWO STAGE HIGH POWER ROCKET "DOUBLE TROUBLE" (2018-03-17)Successful second attempt at launching my first high power two stage rocket on a J760 to an I125. Launched at MDRA at Higgs Farm in Maryland on 2/18/18. [View]