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Dick Stafford's Rocket Dungeon Blog

Rocket Dungeon Posts

Sport Rocketry / Monocopters

    Whirlygig 38mm - just thinking 'out loud' (update) (2009-05-30)
    I've been thinking about building a larger Whirlygig for the newly announced AeroTech I49N or I59WN motors . These long burn motors will be good for either extreme altitude - or extremely low ... [Read More]

    Whirlygig-38 promoted (2009-06-01)
    From a mere project idea to a real project in the Dungeon. I cut the openings for the motor mount and launch lug in a 37" length of 3" dia. window tint tube. I'm going with a 3/8" lug just to give ... [Read More]

    Warp-9 endburners in a spinning rocket? (2009-06-05)
    I doubt I'll build a 38mm monocopter to fly on the newly announced I49N or I59WN long burn, end burning motors but was contemplating it nevertheless. Late last night, I thought back on my e ... [Read More]

    Whirlygig fin selection (2009-06-07)
    I had originality planned to make the Whirlygig-38's fins from some 4 1/2 inch wide, 1/4" thick wood that I liberated from the Habitat for Humanity ReStore. Upon closer inspection, I found this is ... [Read More]

    Whirlygig 38 progress and doubts (2009-06-09)
    Well, I've charged ahead with the simple part of the project, that is, cutting tube, gluing fins, etc. The attached photo shows the fins attached and, for no particular reason, a chunk of 38mm ... [Read More]

    alt.Whirlygig-24 (2009-06-11)
    KenKzak made some suggestions in a comment to my previous Whirlygig-38 post so I decided to try some variations of my original 24mm version . I want to fly: One with the main tube shortened by ... [Read More]

    "Building slump continues," continued (2009-09-03)
    You'd think that, out of all these, I'd be able to find something to work on. Maybe I need to take a cue from Don and Ken and see if there is some existing rocket that I can rebuild/modify/ ... [Read More]

    Lots of stalled projects (2010-08-15)
    Not even counting the 7+ kits I have stashed: Bulbous Foam Rocket - Stalled waiting for a transformer to power the hot wire cutter. Whirlygig-38 - Too heavy for tumble recovery; haven't decided how ... [Read More]

    ROCKETS Magazine, Volume 8, Issue 4 (2014-09-04)
    Something made me pop over to the ROCKETS Magazine site this afternoon, where I found the latest issue. I haven't seen the official announcement so it is possible some of the backup media (via ... [Read More]