Rocket Dungeon: Quest MLAS waiting for decals (2009-09-06)
Since I saw Quest's ad in Sport Rocketry, Quest employee Shrox reported they are waiting for the decals and it won't be long. [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Quest MLAS - on order (updated...again) (2009-11-02)
As promised, the Quest Aerospace MLAS became available today. This sport scale kit is 3.5" in diameter, 9" long, uses a foam cone, and recovers on three 'chutes. I ordered two, one to build ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Quest MLAS - RECEIVED! (2009-11-06)
My two MLAS kits and a few other parts just arrived. Not bad for a Monday morning order. My one annoyance is that we are at the end of the UPS route so, even though my package was out for ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Quest MLAS - status and initial opinions (2009-11-07)
I started the build during TV commercials this evening. I built and installed the motor mount, built the nose cone assembly less the recovery harness, filled the fins, and began ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Quest MLAS - more status and opinions (2009-11-07)
Find more photos like this on Our Planet Here are a few photos. I am applying the fillets and later today will prep the cone. Paint will wait until tomorrow when my 50%-off coupons at Michael's kick ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Quest MLAS - stability (2009-11-07)
My MLAS, prior to paint, comes in at 3oz. I measured the actual CG and set the overrides. I haven't tried to apply a 'phantom' cone to account for base drag. With a B6, the margin drops to 0.32. ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Quest MLAS - looking good from 10' (2009-11-09)
I added two photos of the final product to my OurPlanet album . Not unexpectedly, this is another RTLGF10F (rocket that looks good from 10 ft). The brush-on acrylic paint on the cone looks a tad ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Quest MLAS (2010-12-27)
This is semi-scale sport model based on NASA's Max Launch Abort System (MLAS). It is quite stubby, being 3.5" in diameter and a mere 9" long. It has only one recommended motor, the B6, and recovers ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: MLAS-S, all dressed up and ready to go out (2013-10-29)
I finished filling the nose cone, painting and adding decals. Here she is next to the stock kit. Hopefully, she'll fly on an F12-6 in a few weeks. [Read More]
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