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Dick Stafford's Rocket Dungeon Blog

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Other Rocketry / MLAS

    MLAS launch tomorrow (2009-07-07)
    NASA Wallops will launch the Max Launch Abort System between 5:45 and 10:00 AM tomorrow. The 33' tall, 45k lb vehicle is only expected to reach about a mile and should last less than 2 minutes. You ... [Read More]

    MLAS launch (update!) (2009-07-08)
    Twitter indicates it happened on schedule but doesn't cover the flight or any results. Anyone know if there was a webcast? I hope a video crops up somewhere. Well, NASA Watch was watching and found ... [Read More]

    MLAS launch video (update) (2009-07-08)
    I see there is a video on NASA's Exploration/MLAS page (in the sidebar). You can also access it directly . Cool, I love low and slow. (I wish they made their videos embeddable.) There is more on ... [Read More]

    More MLAS launch shots (2009-07-08)
    Via the AP and io9. [Read More]

    MLAS, MLAS, and more MLAS (2009-07-10)
    I see YORF memebers Gus, sandman (who turned the components of the flying model from my previous post), and Peter "Rockets of the World" Alway got to attend the MLAS launch. It turns out the model ... [Read More]

    More MLAS aerodynamics (2009-12-23)
    Tim Wilson has posted more info on the MLAS aerodynamic testing, including photos (link in his sidebar) and an embedded video.  He also links to newly posted flight videos .  These are ... [Read More]