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Style / Upscale
Mean Machine Shred

We tried to push my dad's 21 ft Mean Machine upscale past mach and 12000 ft on an N2220 Dark Matter motor. The result was an epic shred and some amazing video. We were also trying out our new tower camera mounted 26ft up looking down the rocket at 120 fps. Best we can tell one of the fins not in view of the camera came off at 900 ft/s and 3800 ft resulting in a rapid roll and the complete destruction of the air frame. All of the pieces were recovered. The av-bay and motor hardware were undamaged, the parachutes were destroyed. Thanks to everyone who helped get this in the air, and thanks to QCRS for the pad support and another awesome launch.

 Rocketry Product: Estes - Mean Machine {Kit} (1295) [1978-1998, 2007-2013, 2018-]

Author Brian Schwartz
Duration 04:14

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