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Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - L400W Launch
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Launched again on an Aerotech L400W:
Video Here:
Punisher Style #2

Awesome flight on the L400. Rocket loaded weight was 20.4 lbs.
V ideo Here: - L400 - MDRA [More]
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - Tracking and Electronics
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Marsa, Easy Mini, and TeleGPS:
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - First Launch
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9600 feet on the Aerotech K680R.
Punisher Style #2

First flight on the Aerotech K680R. Loaded weight was 16.4 lbs. - K680 - MDRA [More]
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - Launch
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I was planning to launch this on a K680R, but the clouds came before I had it ready, reducing the waiver. So, until next time here are a few pics.
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - Punisher Style Comparison
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Here is Build # 1 and 2 side-by-side.
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - Paint
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Paint: A combination of carbon fiber metallic, and sublime green.
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - Primer
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The primer went on like this:
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - Spot Fill
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One set of fillets turn out a little lumpy, so I mixed and applied some Bondo:
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - Ready To Paint
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Almost done. Building fiberglass minimum diameter rockets is about the same as building an Estes E2X.
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - Fillets
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I used the typical fillet method as follows: Tape off fillet area, fill the channel with epoxy, shape the fillet with something cylindrical, remove tape before fillet starts to cure. I used a 38mm propellant grain to pull the fillet. The Loctite E-120HP epoxy worked perfectly as ... [More]
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - Fin Bonding
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The fins went on something like this:
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - Epoxy
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It is time to bond the fins to the body tube. I'll be using Loctite E-120HP epoxy like all the kids are using these days.
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - Fin Bevels
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I used a router, and an incline to make the bevels on my fins as shown below. The router bit is a straight cut bit and 5/8" in diameter.
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - Match Sanding Fins
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After cutting out the fins, I needed to match sand them. I taped the fins together with double-sided tape and went to work with a belt sander.
La Máquina

Good flight on the Vmax motor. Too bad CTI doesn't make it anymore. Maxed out the Jolly Logic Altimeter three at 24 Gs.
- K1620 - URRG [More]
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - Fins
Build Entry
As usual, I will start the build with the fins. I cut the fins out using a combination of chop saw, and a Dremel. Here are a few pics.
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - Nose Cone Compare
Build Entry
The nose cone I'm using for this build is a 6:1 VK shape from Wildman (black nosecone at top of photo below). It is impressively long. The blue nose cone below is the original fiberglass infused plastic nosecone that came with the Punisher kit in my previous Punisher Style build ... [More]
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - General Info
Build Entry
The purpose of this build is to give me another 4 inch diameter rocket to bring to a launch that can burn 75-98mm motors. I decided to make a few tweaks relative to the previous Punisher Style build. The changes being slightly smaller fins made of solid carbon fiber with the fins being ... [More]
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2)
This is a four inch scratch build loosely based on the Wildman Punisher. [More]
Something Like a Punisher (Punisher Style Build #2) - Parts Layout
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The red and black fiberglass Wildman Rocketry parts below will be used in this build. The blue rocket below is based on a 4 inch Wildman Punisher kit, and is the inspiration for the current build.
Madcow SPEV

Good flight. Windy, launched on an angle, on an Aerotech I170G. - I170 - URRG [More]
La Máquina

Good flight on an Aerotech M1400C (75/5120, classic propellant).
Motor build thread here: motor build thread . - M1400 - URRG [More]

Second flight, strong winds, but perfect flight. Build thread - F37 - MDRA [More]
La Máquina

Launched on a single grain Aerotech green load for the 98/2560 case. Looks like it was about a K500. See motor build thread . A little slow lifting off... weather cocked. Landed in trees about a mile to the east and was rescued about a week later.
- K458 ... [More]
Minimum Diameter Estes Mega Der Red Max (MDMDRM) - J500T Launch
Build Entry
Here is a launch pic on a J500T at a recent URRG launch in Potter, NY.

Flew on the Aerotech J500T for the 75/1280 case. Nice! Check out the motor build thread
- J500 - URRG [More]
La Máquina

Great flight. Check out the mach diamonds here: build thread
- K1999 - MDRA [More]