Rocketry Product: Estes - Majestic {Kit} (009707) [2013-]
2019 Rocket Launch Fall Shoot - Estes Pro Series Rockets (2019-10-06)We love shooting off rockets! We tried to have a little competition, but on the first launch, we lost a rocket! Looked all over the desert for it, but it was no where to be found. Still had loads of ... [View]
Estes Baby Bertha and Majestic (2019-01-06)Another fun day flying some rockets, no drone today because the rain was starting to fall. Rockets were a Baby Bertha on B6-4, C6-5 and Majestic on E16-6 #modelrocket #modelrocketry #rocketry ... [View]
Estes Majestic (2019-07-14)On a F15-6 and F15-0 booster. [View]
Estes Majestic (2019-07-22)E16-6 motor [View]
Estes Majestic, G74 White Lightning (2017-10-23)My Estes Majestic on a G74 White Lightning. With a brilliant white flash and a loud thunderous roar, she flew to 2175 feet at 289 miles per hour. Brand new 3D printed rail guides from Apogee ... [View]
Estes Majestic, G74 White Lightning (2019-04-03)My Estes Majestic flying on a G74 White Lightning at Bridgeton Area Rocket Club on March 30, 2019. The unusual flight pattern initially led me to think a fin had sheared off or the airframe had been ... [View]
Estes Majestic, G74-9 White Lightning (2018-04-30)My Estes Majestic flying on a G74-9 White Lightning at Bridgeton Area Rocket Club on April 21, 2018. This flight set a new personal altitude rocket for my rocket at 2226 feet before ejecting the ... [View]
Majestic, G77 Redline (2018-08-28)My Estes Majestic flying on a G77 Redline at Bridgeton Area Rocket Club on August 25, 2018. According to the Jolly Logic Altimeter Two, the rocket flew at 507 mph to an altitude of 2627 feet [View]
The Estes Majestic (2019-03-04)Me launching my Estes Majestic at Bull Sallas Park. [View]