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Motors / Aerotech / H210
Madcow Mini Frenzy on an Aerotech H210R
This is my Madcow Rocketry Fiberglass Mini Frenzy, taking a ride atop an Aerotech H210 Redline motor. The motor sits in the Aerotech 29/240 case, has a one-second burn time, and maxes out at 62 pounds of thrust. With a pad weight of about two pounds, this gives the rocket an acceleration of 25.9 G's, propelling it from 0 to 450mph in one second. The motor has a delay of 14 seconds, however even that would blow the parachute out before the rocket reaches apogee, so I left the motor deploy charge out for this flight and relied on my onboard altimeter to provide the drogue parachute charge right at apogee. Main parachute charge occurred at 500 feet. This was a last-minute decision to purchase this motor and fly it at this launch. The skies were dark blue and the wind was dead calm, so I felt comfortable going for a personal best under these conditions without a GPS tracker onboard the rocket. I knew the rocket would be stable with this motor but didn't know how high it would go. My previous personal best was also with this rocket, using an Aerotech H128W to 2,718 feet just a few weeks prior. I was expecting something over 3,000 feet, and when I retrieved the rocket I was blown away to find the altimeter beeping out a max altitude of 3,900 feet even. Wow, what an awesome flight! And it only landed a couple hundred feet away.
Author flyfalcons
Duration 146 seconds

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