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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Motors / Aerotech / M1939
V2 Launch Aerotech M1939 (2011-07-24)
12" V2 launched at Bong on 7/23/11 on an Aerotech M1939. AWESOME FLIGHT Eric!!!! [View]
High Power Rocketry - Tripoli Wisconsin Association June 1, 2019 (2019-06-03)
Tripoli Wisconsin Association's June 2019 high power rocket launch and a tribute the our nation's veterans with a special Honest John scale project Flying on a Aerotech M1939. [View]
LDRS High Power Model Rocketry. My certification 1, 2 and Level 3 attempt (2019-08-07)
1997, Hartsel Colorado. I attended LDRS 16 for my Level 1, 2 and 3 certification attempts. I only got my first 2 certifications before I went to the hospital in Denver Colorado. The rockets that ... [View]