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Motors / Aerotech / K750
Long Tom 1st flight at NARAM 60 - K750 Red Lightning

Long Tom had a successful flight on 8/4 at NARAM 60. The K750 Red Lightning motor by Cesaroni performed perfectly and sent it to an averaged altitude of 6975'. I have data processing and analysis to do since my simulations were predicting ~5350' and no tweaks can crank more than 6200' out of the simulator. Its airframe is 5.5" doublewall LOC tubing with a fiberglass elliptical nosecone and 1/4" plywood fins/wings. Onboard was an 808 hd camera, Missileworks T3 gps tracker, Missileworks RRC3 altimeter, and Perfecflite Stratologger CF altimeter. Readings: 6980', 790 ft/s (~540 mph) via RRC3 (primary) 6971', 810 ft/s (~550 mph) via SLCF (backup)

 Rocketry Product: PerfectFlite - Stratologger {Component} (SL100)

Author Nytrunner
Duration 122 seconds

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