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Sport Rocketry / Components / Launch Rods and Rails

    Model Rocket Building: Estes C-Rail (2018-12-12)
    I remember this page from the older Estes catalogs, but never saw a C Rail up close. Two were listed for auction on Ebay. Somebody on a forum wrote these were actually curtain guides for RV ... [Read More]

    Beyond Blue Aerospace: Launch Rail – March 23, 2020 (2020-03-23)
    Here are some photos of our new launch rail. A big thanks to Frank at Dynasoar rocketry for sharing his launch rail ... [Read More]

    Beyond Blue Aerospace: Launch Rail – March 23, 2020 (2020-03-23)
    Here are some photos of our new launch rail. A big thanks to Frank at Dynasoar rocketry for sharing his launch rail ... [Read More]