Downright Ignorant Rocket Launch (2006-10-26)The Downright Ignorant Rocket was a rocket launched at BALLS 2 in the Black Rock desert, Nevada on August 17th, 1992. The BALLS experimental launches were conducted after the Tripoli LDRS XI ... [View]
"T. Rex" rocket flight /L-1800 motor/ (2008-08-11)Flight of 18kg. , 3m.tall rocket "T.Rex" with 3600N.s "L" motor. Propellant "Dragon-F" flame. Altitude - ~1000m. [View]
"Not an Engineer" - EX L1200, BALLS 24 (2015-10-13)2" MD rocket, "Not an Engineer" on an L1200 at BALLS 24. Video by Jacob Braibish. [View]
April 2019 Scott Szympruch Black Brant (2019-04-13)Maryland Delaware Rocketry Association's Red Glare 20 hobby rocket flight. [View]
LDRS 38 - A3 - EX L1050 VOL (2019-09-03)Rocket flown at LDRS on an research L1050 VOL motor to 11613 ft. AGL. [View]
MDRA Red Glare 14 HyperLOC's Revenge L1000 Rocket (2013-04-16)13th flight of my L3 project "HyperLOC's Revenge" and my first EX motor in 76mm class. [View]
Upscale Spy vs Spy rocket on-board video at BALLS 17 (2008-10-03)This is the on-board video of my upscale Spy vs Spy rocket flying at BALLS 17 on two NASSA red L665 experimental motors. [View]