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Dick Stafford's Rocket Dungeon Blog

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Other Rocketry / NASA / Kennedy Space Center

    In an alternate reality, KSC could have been in Southeastern New Mexico (2011-11-23)
    Via the El Paso Times'  Tales from the Morgue -  1961: Moon Man Shoot Would Place Eyes of World on White Sands Base . The date is 196?. The place: White Sands Missile Range. A ... [Read More]

    Challenger and Columbia Memorial at KSC (2015-06-27)
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    Big launch week ahead (update) (2009-10-25)
    Ares I-X is scheduled to launch from Kennedy Space Center's launch pad 39B at 8 a.m. Tuesday.  The typical Florida weather may be a problem, however.  The window is open until noon.  ... [Read More]

    Spaceflight training on F-104 Starfighters (2010-03-29)
    The Southwest Research Institute reports : As part of the next phase in advancing suborbital research opportunities and their own flight preparations, Southwest Research Institute researchers ... [Read More]

    Not many people get to view a Shuttle launch from this vantage point (2010-06-07)
    Lt. Col. Gabriel Green and Capt. Zachary Bartoe patrol the airspace in an F-15E Strike Eagle as the Space Shuttle Atlantis launches May 14, 2010, at Kennedy Space Center, Fla. Colonel ... [Read More]

    Today is the 50th anniversary of Friendship 7 (2012-02-20)
    "On February 20, 1962, Glenn piloted the Mercury-Atlas 6 "Friendship 7" spacecraft on the first manned orbital mission of the United States. Launched from Kennedy Space Center, Florida, he completed ... [Read More]