Flight Log - 2015-03-10 - Ken E. Coyote's Rocketarium Mega Vortico

Looks like two popsicle sticks stuck together...kinda like the "helicopter" all of us made growing up; however it takes surprisingly big motors.  Was quite a hoot to fly and very entertaining. I'll be bringing this to most of my launches.  Added a spiral red pattern to one side and black stripe edging to the other...looks AWESOME!

Flight Date: 2015-03-10
Rocket Name: Rocketarium Mega Vortico
Kit Name: Rocketarium - Mega Vortico {Kit} (RK-1202)
Flyer's Name: Ken E. Coyote
Motors: D12-0
Expected Altitude: 400 Feet
Wind Speed: 5.00 mph
Actual Altitude: 75 Feet

Bad flight.  Tried it upside-down again and used 3/16" rod this time, but made a mistake and put rocket only 6-8" down on rod (more on that later).  Rocket flew off at about 30 degrees as soon as it left the rod and crashed into some tall trees.  Rocket recovered with no damage; however I was thinking I should no longer fly this upside down despite early successful flights.

*UPDATE*  I checked the directions and discovered that I should fly the rocket using a 12-16" rod.  I thought it was 6-8"...that may have been some other rocket I read about recently (I think some monocopter).  

1Estes D12-0


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