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Flight Log - 2016-01-24 - Ken E. Coyote's "Look! No Fins!"

"Finless Rocket #1" - First prototype design for RAIS (Ram Air Induction Stabilization) testing.  Uses an outer compartmentalized shroud and air outlets to try to simulate "air fins" for rear stabilization.  BT5 body tube, motor eject and featherweight recovery.

Flight Date: 2016-01-24
Rocket Name: "Look! No Fins!"
Flyer's Name: Ken E. Coyote
Motors: 1/2A3-3
Wind Speed: 2.00 mph
Launch Site: Backyard
Actual Altitude: 80 Feet

First launch of this rocket and second test of RAIS.  Rocket rose straight up surprisingly quickly, good event which separated motor from rocket and came down about 40' away.  Slight crumple and water damage to the front of the shroud due to snow.

1Estes 1/2A3T-3


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