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All Videos by Kelfam48230

epoxy igniters - final version (2011-11-06)

My final epoxy based igniter formula (although I may add some titanium later on). It is Kno3, epoxy, red iron oxide, and aluminum powder. I think they work very well, and they don't use any magnesium powder!

Huge rocket powered by an N3800 (2011-11-06)

This rocket was launched at Three Oaks. It was actually the first N3800 flown in MI. The boost was perfect, but the apogee charge didn't fire. When the main chute fired, it was going so fast it shreaded the parachute. I didn't get this on video, but I can tell you, it was so loud it sounded like thunder.

JMRC launch - October 09 2009 (2011-06-27)

Just a few scenes of a few rockets launched at Michigan International Speedway with the Jackson Model Rocketry Club in October, as well as the motley crew of rocketeers getting ready for a group photo!

JMRC Launch 2 - September 2008 (2011-08-16)

Here are some scenes of Sam's and other's rockets at the Jackson Model Rocketry Club gathering 9/06/08 at Michigan International Speedway

JMRC Launch 3 - September 2008 (2011-07-02)

Here are some scenes of Sam's and other's rockets at the Jackson Model Rocketry Club gathering 9/06/08 at Michigan International Speedway

Launch of the re-done rocket with spring loaded fins (2012-06-29)

Launch of the re-done rocket with spring loaded fins. It launched with a G76 green motor. next up: The I110 moon burner...

rocket igniter test (2011-11-19)

These are some igniter tests for rocket motors. The first 3 are for "F" - "h" 29mm motors. The 4th test is a larger igniter for 54mm - 75mm motors. These worked great! Sorry for the bad camera job on the last test. : (

rocket with spring loaded fins re-done (2011-11-06)

I re-did the rocket wih spring loaded fins. Look for the launch of this rocket on Saturday. http://www.rocketryplanet.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4608 Enjoy!

Sam's Level 1 qualification (2011-06-27)

On May 22nd Sam was finally old enough to qualify for his NAR Level 1 certification, which means he can do rockets with powerful engines. We are very proud of our Rocketeer, and as you can see from the reactions and interactions of other Jackson Model Rocketry club members, Sam is appreciated there!

Three Oaks rocket launch Dec 2009 (2011-11-06)

A few launches from the rocket launch at Three Oaks, MI. Watch part two.

Three Oaks rocket launch Dec 2009 part 2 (2011-11-06)

Part 2.