Joshua F Thomas's PageClub Memberships: NAR 109629 Pages:
2020-09-194" LOC Goblin Flight single use motor bought on site. excellent flight and recovery this time! - G79-4W - Durham Field [More]
4" LOC Goblin Flight LMS motor. good launch but ejection charge appeared to fire with no delay. chute did not fully open, but no damage on landing. - G79-4W - Durham Field [More]
Tall Boy (10 ft) Flight first flight on full 10 ft config. turned a lot of heads! perfect deploy and recovery. - E20-4 - Durham Field [More]
"Princess Luna" scratch build Flight second flight of the day; flight and recovery excellent, landed close to pads. - C6-5 (x3) - Durham Field [More]
"Princess Luna" scratch build Flight wife adopted this scratch build and is now flying it. Good flight on 3x C6-5s, recovery from bushes. - C6-5 (x3) - Durham Field [More]
2020-09-12Estes Savage Flight changed trajectory early, landed just inside treeline, unable to locate - C6-5 - Brown's Corner [More]
Estes Savage Flight good flight and recovery, nearly hit me on way down - B6-4 - Brown's Corner [More]
Tall Boy (single stage) Flight first flight test, worked well - C6-3 - Brown's Corner [More]
Theta 13 Flight excellent launch, recovery - A3-4T - Brown's Corner [More]
2020-08-24Der Red Max Flight Nice straight flight and recovery, looks good; motor ejected from body. - C6-5 - Brown's Corner [More]
2020-07-30Aerospace Specialty Products WAC Corporal (24mm) (Kit)  Review
This is a replica of the late 1940s WAC Corporal sounding rocket. It does not include the 'Tiny Tim' booster, but other kits from ASP Rocketry have it with the booster as a multi-stage rocket.
The kit is all good quality materials and the instructions are extensive and have plenty ... [More]
2020-07-21Rocketarium T172-18 OpenRocket Design Sim for Rocketarium Trident T172-18, which is either licensed or cloned from the ARG design of the same type. [More]
| Joshua F Thomas |