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John R, Brandon III's Page

Location: Lampasas, Texas, USA

Favorite Rockets: My Estes Interceptors...the standard and the E


  I cannot be called a BAR, since that means I came back after an absence from the hobby! I just turned 53 and I built my first two model rockets when I was 11. I'm still building, flying, learning, and teaching the rocketry know-how I have.

  In the last five years I have expanded to include rocket motors burning APCP instead of black gunpowder; my APCP fleet now consists of an Aerotech Warthog, an Aerotech Arreaux, and a 200% upscale of the Estes Orbital Transport which will fly on an F-impulse motor.

  I may or may not go high-power...it's a budget issue and I can learn everything I could learn doing Level 1 and 2 (possibly 3) high-power with G-impulse motors or smaller. This decision is subject to change,

  My particular interest is in futuristic rockets, with a strong minor in scale models. I have a vintage Estes Saturn V I'm waiting for an auspicious moment to launch (the anniversary of a real Apollo mission) on an Aerotech D-case APCP reloadable motor.

Favorite Quote:

  If it won't move, add a bigger motor! If it STILL won't move...CLUSTER!

RocketReviews.com Pages:



Sirius Rocketry Refit USS Atlantis (Kit)


The Refit USS Atlantis is a classy update-upscale of Estes' old USS Atlantis exotic starship. The old one flew on 19mm motors, this one is set up for 21mm. It's mostly a plywood and cardboard-tube kit with some vacuum-formed plastic parts as decor.  I have to brag on Sirius' customer ... [More]



FlisKits Nell (Kit)


A truly-historical model of the most significant rocket ever flown in the United States--Robert Goddard's first liquid-fuel rocket, Nell.   Components The kit includes five different sizes of body tube (BT-70, BT-60, BT-55, BT-20, and BT-2), a balsa nosecone, a number ... [More]


John R, Brandon III