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John Eric Thompson's Page

AKA: rocketaholic

Location: Washington

Certification Level: L3 NAR and Tripoli L3 Certified

Club Memberships: NAR #33053 TRA# 2304

Favorite Rockets: Maxi Icarus, Pershing 1A, Phoenix, Exocet


I have been in the hobby of Rocketry ever since second grade in one fashion or form.  I hope to become a NAR lifetime member soon.  The hobby is educational and the people involved with the hobby are always interesting.

Favorite Quote:

"Failure IS NOT an Option"

Club Home Page: http://www.gorgerocketclub.com/

RocketReviews.com Pages:



More Rockets Andromeda (Kit)


The MoreRockets.com products are great reproductions of some classic model rockets that I enjoy building.  They bring back great memories of when I was first introduced to the Hobby of Model rocketry in 1976 at a Cub Scouts Space-O-Rama event at the Johnson Space Center in Clearlake ... [More]



FlisKits Tres 24mm x3 custer (Kit)


I enjoyed building and launching the 18mm version of the Tres, I just had to get the bigger 24 mm version as well. Components The components were sturdy.  You do have to pay attention to the instructions and cut out the fin template patterns.  Make sure the arrow aligns ... [More]



Fat Cat F-104 Star Fighter


The rocket utilized the 29 mm CTI G 125 reload motor.  I set it for a 7 second delay.  The rocket went up straight and did three slow rolls, just as if someone inside the cockpit was showing off. The delay was a tad long.  Next time it should be set with a 5-second delay if using ... [More]



THOY Condor (Kit)


I love this kit. I built and used the Condor for my Level 1 certification flight back in 1991.  I launched it on an H 70-M motor at the Dry Lake in Lucerne California back then.  It was a very solid kit.   [More]



Estes Mega Mosquito (Kit)


This is a great kit. The little   E 22   CTI 24mm 1-grain reload worked perfectly with a 5 second delay. The camera is the keychain digital camer model 808 #16 model.  The holder is a 3D printed shroud that can be easily attached to a 2.0 inch diameter body tube. The web ... [More]





Perfect flight.  It was launched with the main central motor and the outboards ignited a few seconds later https://youtu.be/swouKrHc9u0 - F32-5+A10-plugged (x6) - GRC 790 WyEast middle school [More]



Point 39 Productions LDRS-XIX Video (Other Product)


The Point 39 Productions video tapes of the LDRS events are the best by far.  I had every VHS tape he ever produced and is well worth the time to search for them.  You can get them converted from VHS to DVD if necessary but it is well worth doing.   [More]





The main motor lit and only one of the two outboards ignited.  It was still a successful flight - 1 x D12-5 and two A8-5 outboards - GRC 790 WyEast middle school [More]


Aerotech IQSY Tomahawk


Picture perfect flight - F40-8 - GRC 790 WyEast middle school [More]



Estes Oracle


Worked well for a small field area. Recovery was good and the video recorded the flight from lift off to landing - C11-3 [More]



Public Missiles Callisto


- G60-6 [More]


Public Missiles Callisto


- G60-6 [More]



Estes BLU-97B Cluster Bomb


launched the rocket three times that day on the same motor. Perfect flight each time. - C6-3 [More]



Cosmodrome Rocketry Vostok


This is the 3rd flight of the Comsodrome Soyuz. It was another picture perfect flight. - H242-S [More]



True Modeler's Rocket Kits Juno 1/Jupiter C


I had launched this rocket at Lucerne Dry lake bed with SCRA. It was a picture perfect flight. It is a very well designed model. Fun to build and fun to fly. - G64-4 [More]


John Eric Thompson