Rocketry Product: Aerotech - J500G Reload for RMS 38/720 {Motor}
"Big Nuke" launch at CMASS (2011-10-24)CMASS launch of BigNuke on J500 Mojave Green power. [View]
Arreaux J500 H45 (2018-05-04)Dave's upscale 2 stage Arreaux on a J500 to a H45. Boost only [View]
Madcow Level-2 Rocket, Aerotech RMS 38/720 J500G, April 15th 2017 (2017-04-23)April 15th, 2017 Tripoli Central California High Power Rocket Launch Helm, CA My Madcow Level-2 Rocket launched on a small J reloadable motor.. Aerotech RMS 38/720 J500G-14A (Used an Aeropack 38-54 ... [View]
Midwest Power 13 - Spool flies on a J500 (2015-10-31)At Midwest Power 13, Friday October 30, 2015, a few miles north of Princeton, IL. Spool-shaped rocket on a very fast J500, plus funny recovery. The last rocket to fly Friday before the L1000 ... [View]
Nike Apache 2 stage fail (2019-05-28)Mad Cow Nike Apache two stage rocket fails to light sustainer. Booster Motor was Aetotech J500 and with H195 DMS in sustainer. After separation, the booster coasted to 1700' before deploying a main ... [View]