Upscale rocket's The Goblin drag racing Der Red Max (2012-12-01)Drag race between two Estes classic's upscaled to 4" diameter. Der Red Max flying on a Aerotech I-285 Redline against the Goblin with a CTI J-250 Skidmark. The Redline was slow to light but both ... [View]
AMW FiberMax on a J250SK (2018-08-18)Level-2 Certification flight [View]
CTI J250 skidmark rocket at Dairy Aire 2014 (2014-05-18)My Madcow Frenzy rocket "Aurora" flying on a CTI J250 skidmark at DairyAire 2014 near Fresno, CA. Great boost but the chute failed to deploy completely. Minor damage only. [View]
Level 2 Certification Flight (2016-04-04)Level 2 Certification flight on a Madcow (Apogee) Level-2 Rocket - Named "RumbleBee". Has both ground view on onboard camera view in the video. Couldn't help the transformers theme. [View]