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Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Sirius / Interrogator

     Rocketry Product: Sirius Rocketry - Interrogator {Kit}

    Sirius Interrogator Build Part 1, Parts (2013-07-01)
    This is one I've looked forward to building for quite a while - The Sirius Interrogator. This is the 18mm engine version, Sirius also makes upscales of this design. From left to right, the parts ... [Read More]

    Sirius Interrogator Build Part 2, Engine Mount (2013-07-02)
    Nothing out of the ordinary with the engine mount. The Kevlar was tied under the forward centering ring. TIP: The instructions did teach me an better way to measure the correct length of the ... [Read More]

    Sirius Interrogator Build Part 3, Intake Tube Cutting (2013-07-03)
    The intake tube cutting guide is cut out and wrapped around the BT-55 tube. Mark with a pencil and cut with a sharp knife. As the instructions say, use multiple light passes. Don't try to cut ... [Read More]

    Sirius Interrogator Build Part 4, Tube End Seam Filling (2013-07-04)
    I applied some medium CA on the tube edges with a Qtip. I only apply the CA to about 3/16" inside the open end. Fine sanding got the edge to a hard smooth cut. On the upper right, the edges of ... [Read More]

    Sirius Interrogator Build Part 5, Intake Tube Gluing (2013-07-05)
    The BT-50 main frame tube is marked for gluing on the intake tube. I decided to prime the tubes before gluing everything together. The gluing lines were masked with thin strips of masking tape. ... [Read More]

    Sirius Interrogator Build Part 6, PRM Fin Covering (2013-07-06)
    At one time, PRM covering was sold through the Estes catalog. PRM stands for P aper R einforcement M aterial. It's a white self-adhesive paper, great for reinforcement of thinner balsa. It's also ... [Read More]

    Sirius Interrogator Build Part 7, Rudders and Dowel Tips (2013-07-07)
    As directed in the instructions, it's a good idea to "set" the PRM edges with some CA glue. This insures the edges stay down. The exposed balsa edges also got two applications of medium CA ... [Read More]

    Sirius Interrogator Build Part 8, Wing Gluing (2013-07-08)
    The small ramjet tubes got a shot of filler/primer before assembly. Sitting on the spraying wand - the upper tube has been sanded. The wing dowel seams were filled with CWF. The upper seam ... [Read More]

    Sirius Interrogator Build Part 9, Strakes, Lug and Ramjet Details (2013-07-09)
    The forward strakes are glued on the previously masked lines. Beneath the wing root edge the lug is glued on. The lug will be hidden under a ramjet tube. Ramjet tubes are glued even with ... [Read More]

    Sirius Interrogator Build Part 10, Dowel Wing Joint Detail (2013-07-09)
    The tip of the wing and dowel needed some cleaning up, The match was close but didn't have a good flow. With the intake tube cut to a curve I though the front of the wing should also have a rounded ... [Read More]

    Sirius Interrogator Build Part 11, Fillets and Primer Filler (2013-07-10)
    The wing dowel joint got filled with CWF. Here it is after sanding. Primer Filler followed with more fine sanding. The bottom ramjet tube joints got a fillet with Titebond M&TG. Another shot ... [Read More]

    Sirius Interrogator Build Part 12, White Color Coats (2013-07-10)
    I still needed some sanding between the white coats. The wing/dowel joint took a little extra time. It was worth it in the end, the transition angle is filled and smooth. There are a ... [Read More]

    Sirius Interrogator Build Part 13, Decals (2013-07-11)
    The Sirius decals transfer easily and really hug the surface well after blotting. The instructions say to soak them for 30 seconds, mine were ready for use after just over 20 seconds. Many of the ... [Read More]

    Sirius Interrogator Build Part 14, Ends and Edges (2013-07-12)
    The instructions mention you can paint the inside of the ramjet tubes. I decided to use the Contact paper blackboard covering. A strip about 1 5/8" X 1" was cut. The 1 5/8" side just covers the ... [Read More]