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Motors / Cesaroni / I204
Ikaruga Flight Session - Oct 11 2014 - We got ourselves a Griffon!

Finally, the first Condore Griffon C110, designated "Ikaruga", takes to the skies in a series of three flights, ranging from a checkride to a full out envelope expansion! Unlike X11, the Griffon does not use 29mm motors for regular flights, but the small motors are still used for the checkride. This new model can endure far more stress and provide safe responsive controls even at the top ascent speeds which can reach 250mph! The flights in the video are marked 2, 3 and 4. Ikaruga flew once in late August without controls and electronics. The profile checked out for flight but the shock cord snapped at the end, resulting in a crash. The aircraft was subsequently repaired and readied to fly on her full set of electronics & controls. Flight #4 marks a record long 22s post-apogee cruise, something that can be eventually extended to 30-40s. The object of the cruise is not necessarily flying as long as possible, but returning as close to the facilities as possible. More flights are planned for May and July 2015 followed by a possible second envelope expansion to "K" impulse motors in August 2015. Motors in this video, in order: CTI I204 Imax 29mm, CTI I218 White Thunder 54mm and CTI J244 White Thunder 54mm

Author Project Condore
Duration 190 seconds

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