Rocketry Club: Huntsville Area Rocketry Association
Rocketeer's Corner: May's Club Launch... (2015-05-10)
Looking out towards the range (Click to enlarge). Yesterday saw me getting up at the unseemly (for a Saturday) time of 6:30 AM in order to be ready to depart for the ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Yesterday's HARA launch... (2015-09-06)
Saturday marked the next-to-last or last club launch in Manchester for 2015; I'm betting that it will be the last, because the sod farm folks were already re-sodding the northern part of the field. ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Showdown at high noon... (2016-09-07)
This past Saturday was the day chosen for the long awaited Geezer TARC competition launch - a rather auspicious day, being on Labor Day weekend and also the opening Saturday of the college football ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Recovering from burn out... (2016-11-20)
This is a short catch-up post - have been fighting a cold for just over a week and am not my usual verbose self. October was filled with scouts and rocketry - we had scout launch events on 3 ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: 1st launch of 2017... (2017-01-14)
A coupe of days ago, Duane informed me that the Pope John Paul II TARC teams (Falcon Rocketeers and Jurassic TARC) would be making their first practice flights on Saturday. This made today not only a ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Cold and windy... (2017-01-28)
Jurassic TARC readies Stripes for launch (click to enlarge). Duane and I linked up with the Jurassic TARC team around 11 this morning - it was a chilly day, with temps in the low 40's, made even ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: 2 busy hours at Pegasus... (2017-02-04)
Noon today once again saw the start of more TARC practice and flying at Pegasus Field. The weather was a bit more favorable than last Saturday, with the temps in the upper 40's and a moderate wind ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Getting ahead of the rain... (2017-02-11)
Jurassic TARC readies one of their rockets for flight (Click to enlarge). There was considerable doubt earlier this week as to whether the scheduled Saturday TARC practice at Pegasus field would ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Sunday flying... (2017-02-20)
The 'Cherokee nation' loaded on the pads (Click to enlarge). Our streak of nice Saturdays was broken by the rain that started this past Friday night, continuing through Saturday morning. It put a ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Pads galore at Pegasus... (2017-03-04)
Liberty watches their rocket soar upward into a sunny blue sky (Click to enlarge). Today was another perfect day for flying, and four TARC teams - Liberty Middle School's Team Bazinga, Hope ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: HARA and a 1988 commercial launch from the Cape... (2017-03-05)
The tech talk at the March club meeting was by Wayne McCain, a former HARA member from way, way back. His topic was the first commercial launch (with a paying customer) from Canaveral Air Force ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: The Destroyer of X-Wings... (2017-03-12)
Folks gather round the HARA table at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center (Click to enlarge). Yesterday, the Jurassic TARC and Hope Rising TARC teams practiced at Pegasus ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: What a jerk! (2017-03-20)
The Falcon Rocketeers get ready to weigh their rocket before a flight (Click to enlarge). We are now in "crunch time" - those last couple of weeks before the TARC ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: A little launching... (2017-05-14)
Late April/early May can be a busy time for HARA, with schools requesting rocket assistance/demos for their Space Week activities. Our club VP and his wife did an outstanding job with "Build ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Sunday morning launch... (2018-04-30)
The Longshots begin unpacking their equipment for practice (Click to enlarge). The weather was practically perfect this past weekend - not only did I get rockets built ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: First HARA launch of 2018... (2018-10-14)
Warning! Many pics in this post! Folks gathering around the RSO/LCO tents - Chris Short's trailer of wondrous rocket goodies is in the background (Click to enlarge). ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: The launch before the storms... (2019-08-03)
Rocketeers awaiting their chance to fly at Saturday's launch (Click to enlarge). During the HARA club meeting Thursday night, Allen announced that he and a few others ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: An important rocketry need that is disappearing... (2019-10-15)
Every rocket club that has members who want to fly high power needs one thing to be successful: A decently-large (many hundreds of acres) field from which the rockets can be launched. ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: A soggy start to the flying season... (2019-10-28)
Members of the Auburn rocket team awaiting the start of the launch (Click to enlarge). Saturday October 19 saw the first HARA high power launch of our winter flying ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Christmas rockets! (2019-12-28)
The Christmas rockets start appearing on the table! (Click to enlarge) Back in October, I announced a contest for members of HARA - design and build ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Outreach day for HARA... (2020-10-17)
Today was a reasonably busy day for members of my club. It started bright and early at 9 AM, when Vince and Allen gave presentations on rocketry fundamentals to mentors and mentees of the 100 Black ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Whoops! (2020-11-28)
I only made 2 flights at the November HARA launch; the first was that of the RX-16, described in the last post , and the second was the maiden flight of my Quest Q E-Z Payloader, a "Qwik Kit" I ... [Read More]
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