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How to make a parachute from plastic bags or table coverings.

This tutorial will show you an easy and fast way to make a parachute. We use ours for our Water Rockets, but there are plenty of other uses for a simple parachute like this in R/C Planes, Model Rockets or Multirotors, etc. In the tutorial, we use a plastic table cloth (or table cover), some Duct Tape, and some nylon string we got at Home Depot, and from that we can make just about any size 'chute we could ever need. If you want to see a text version of this tutorial, you can see one here on our website: http://www.uswaterrockets.com/construction_&_tutorials/Parachute/tutorial.htm If you want to make a system for ejecting the parachute from your rocket, we recommend our new Radial Deploy System, shown in this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnwP3YXOn-I If you want to deploy your parachute with a servo, we suggest you look at the free Altimeter design project shown here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulh21BNscr0

Author USWaterRockets
Duration 229 seconds

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