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Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Quest / Kits / HL-20

    Model Rocket Building: Model Profile OOP Quest HL-20 (2011-01-16)
    I bought two of these HL-20 kits directly from Quest during a clearance sale a few years back. At the time they were $4.99 each. I had built and flown the old Centuri X-24 Bug in the early 1970s. ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Quest HL-20 Former Bulkhead (2016-05-26)
    An email from Frank Claunch - Hi Chris, I was going through some of my old kits today. I came up on a Quest HL-20 Lifting Body. The former was made out of paper lined foam board 1/8" thick. You ... [Read More]