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Flight Log - 2012-04-15 - Brad Montgomery's High-Flier

Another great little kit.  My daughter (9 at the time) and I built this together.  We built it over a couple days, then painted it over another couple days.  On the maiden launch it ended up sky-writing pretty bad.  This was very early on in my model rockettery hobbying.  Before I fully understood the importance of CG and CP.  Even though I was warned by experienced rocketteers I opted to go forward with the launch to experience for myself.  It did just what they said, but was a great no cost (other than the cost of one C6-5 motor) learning moment.  I have since used Open Rocket to determine CP, CG and stability on my rockets.

Flight Date: 2012-04-15
Rocket Name: High-Flier
Kit Name: Estes - Hi-Flier {Kit} (2178) [2003-]
Flyer's Name: Brad Montgomery
Motors: B4-4
Launch Site: Sod Farm - Johnson Creek, WI
Actual Altitude: 200 Feet

Good Launch - High winds (15-20 mph), Drove 45 min. and couldn't resist the first launch of the season. Angled the rod into the wind a bit. It went up, streamer deployed, and landed about 100 ft from the launchpad.



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