Flight Log - 2011-08-13 - Hans "Chris" Michielssen's ASP Micro Wac Corporal

Micro Wac Corporal with Tiny Tim booster. Looks like a two stage, but ejection separates between the upper and lower bodies. Clear plastic mid section, mylar streamer is pulled from top section. 

Flight Date: 2011-08-13
Rocket Name: ASP Micro Wac Corporal
Kit Name: Aerospace Specialty Products - Micro WAC Corporal w/ Tiny Tim {Kit} (KWAC-MM)
Flyer's Name: Hans "Chris" Michielssen
Motors: Quest MicroMaxx
Launch Site: Schoolyard Soccer field
Actual Altitude: 75 Feet

This was the first flight where the two halves didn't separate at ejection. I finally got the right size knot in the Kevlar so it wouldn't pull out the hole in the clear section.

1Quest Micro Maxx-1


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