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Estes StormCaster


Really got up there on a D. 5 seconds was a perfect delay. The wind had really picked up and it drifted a long way. I lost sight of it in the sun and could not find it. However, another flyer found it and turned it in. - D12-5 - Pence Indiana [More]





Nice boost, plenty of white smoke!  Beautiful ejection with perfect chute deployment and openting this time. Rocket drifted down slowly under a clear blue sky and was caught by W. on the recovery team! - D12-3 - The field [More]


Dave's Livery


Filled payload bay with small yellow flowers!  Good flight, parachute opened nicely.  This old bird has a lot of age on her. - C6-3 - The field [More]


Estes Fat Boy


Slow boost due to too many butter cup flowers stuffed in rocket body! Rocket arched over and headed for terra firma when finally, ejection charged fired and showered recovery crew with flower petals as parachute opened ! - B6-4 - The field [More]


Estes Fat Boy


Slow boost followed by what seemed like for ever before ejection charge fired. Rocket was pointed straight down and going fast when parachute finally opened.  Speed broke two of the parachute's shroud lines!  Slight damage, one fin loose! - B6-4 - The field [More]


Edmonds Aerospace Deltie B


Good boost, glider seperated nicely this time and circled down all the way into the farmer's cow field over the fence! Glider and SRB recovered successfully with no damage. - B6-4 - The field [More]


Edmonds Aerospace Deltie B


Great boost but booster shroud line clothes lined around glider wing and the messy assembly spun straight down to the ground.  NO damage! - B6-4 - The field [More]


Edmonds Aerospace CiCi


A very good flight for a CiCi.  Straight boost at first then slight arch over until motor kicked.  Excellent gliding long recovery maybe 30 seconds or more! - B4-4 - The field [More]


Estes StormCaster


Perfect straignt and smokey boost!  Beautiful coast with appogee ejection, parachute deployed but did not open but drag with shroud line and rocket spinning horizontally prevented any damage at all. - Old Estes D12-7 - The field [More]



Fat Boy


OH boy , OOPS !  Wrong engine.  We had packed a large trash can liner home made parachute to free fly after ejection.  This gave ole' fat boy a lot of extra weight to lift.  The little engine that could, really couldn't.  Slow climb to arc over, then a smokey drift ... [More]



Estes SR-71 Blackbird (Kit)


This is the Sport Scale SR-71 Blackbird Model Rocket. It is an 18mm motor with parachute recovery Estes challenge kit. The SR-71 was designed at the famous "Skunk Works" with a mission of high alititude reconnaissance! The Blackbird kit comes in a box with a color picture of the built kit on ... [More]



Quest Flat Cat (Kit)


Brief: This is a boost glider rocket with streamer recovery for the booster. Construction: The Quest Flat Cat boost glider includes an 18mm body tube for the booster as well as an engine mount kit. There are die cut balsa wings and fins. Also included in the kit is a 24" ... [More]


FlisKits Deuce's Wild (Kit)


This is a skill level 3, two engine canted cluster rocket. The Duce has one body tube and uses four fins. It comes with a very nice balsa nose cone and two parachutes. The motor mount is unique but goes together easily and works great. Two pre-cut engine mounting rings are included with in ... [More]


Estes Executioner (Kit)


This is a single stage "E" engine, three fin rocket built for parachute recovery. The Executioner kit includes one 65mm body tube made of wrapped cardboard. There are three pre-cut plywood fins. A 24mm engine mount and centering rings are included, as well as an E engine spring clip motor ... [More]



Clone Estes Tomcat (Clone)


The Tomcat is a single stage, swing wing glider rocket. Estes used to make a Skill Level III "Challenge" series kit of this model. The wings fold back during launch then unfold during ejection via a clever valve and pin mechanism enabling a glide recovery. When finished the model resembles an F-14 ... [More]



Apogee Components Texas Twister (Kit)


Brief: The Texas Twister is a paper body tube and balsa fin model rocket with three moveable fins that flip into position to spin the vehicle during recovery. The fins are pulled into recovery position using three tiny rubber bands supplied in the kit. A nifty piston and lock system ... [More]



Edmonds Aerospace Ecee (Kit)


Brief: The Edmonds Ecee is a balsa single stage 1/2A sized rocket boosted canard glider that uses variable geometry during recovery glide. Construction: A plastic bag contains all laser cut balsa wood. The particular kit built for review had very lightweight wood. Perhaps too ... [More]



Edmonds Aerospace Deltie Thunder (Kit)


Brief: The Deltie Thunder is a single stage boost glider design. The glider is a triangle shape with a profile type fuselage that divides the triangle in the middle. The rocket booster hooks onto the glider at the nose of the glider and pulls it skyward. At ejection the booster ... [More]



Edmonds Aerospace Geminee Thunder (Kit)


Brief: The Edmonds Geminee Thunder is a twin glider with a single 24mm rear engine. The gliders are supposed to boost up on D12-3 and then separate using the ejection charge. Glider should then circle slowly back to earth! Construction: Included in the kit is one balsa nose cone, ... [More]



Estes A.R.V. Condor (Kit)


Single stage piggy back boost launch glider design with two gliders. The glider's wings act as rocket fins during boost then separate using the ejection charge to deploy the gliders. The rocket booster body recovers with a streamer. The kit includes 4 body tubes. Two larger ones are for the ... [More]



Estes Tomcat (Kit)


Brief: This model rocket has a single stage 18mm mount, expanding wings for a gliding recovery. Construction: All the parts were in the packaging, like most Estes models. The kit utilizes balsa wood, a canopy for the nose cone, and what I consider a really neat way to swing the wings ... [More]


Hank Helmen