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The Rocket N00b Blog

Rocket N00b Posts

Sport Rocketry / Publications / Books / Handbook of Model Rocketry

    My Rocket Anniversary (2015-07-20)
    July 5 was the anniversary of the first time I ever went out to launch a few model rockets, with Chad , David, Lee, and a few other people. On that day, we just flew a few of Chad's rockets. We had ... [Read More]

    Build It Yourself - Rocket Cradle (2016-04-06)
    Recently, on The Rocketry Show Podcast Facebook discussion group , someone asked about a photo. CG, one of the hosts of the show, was presenting at NARCON 2016, and needed pictures of me and of ... [Read More]

    Rocket N00b Update (2018-05-03)
    Little N00b was born on April 5, 2018. He and Mrs. N00b are doing great, happy and healthy. We're home now, and I've managed to secure a little time off work. And though it may sound surprising, as ... [Read More]

    The N00b T00b - A Quick, Easy, Scratch Built Tube Fin Rocket - Part 1: The Basic Build (2019-11-01)
    I have a bunch of random model rocket parts lying around the Rocket Room. Some are things I intentionally stocked up on, and some are leftovers from kits I modified, or from other projects. I ... [Read More]

    Building Model Rockets Out of Order - When I Deviate from the Instructions (2020-04-05)
    I often build model rockets out of order. The Handbook of Model Rocketry  emphasizes time and again "Always read the instructions!" And while this is good advice, after you've built a number of ... [Read More]