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All Rocketry Blogs

Sport Rocketry / Motors and Igniters / Motors / Aerotech / H180

     Rocketry Product: Aerotech - H180W Reload for RMS 29/240 {Motor}

    XPRS 2011: Dare to Rock (2011-08-31)
    Member : Ken Biba Club : AeroPAC Motor : H180 Altitude : 2500 agl Project Goal : A mini bowling ball rocket with a 2lb mini Elvis Presley "He Dared To Rock" bowling ball. Simply ... [Read More]

    Rocket Dungeon: Now THAT'S an igniter (2009-08-29)
    I received confirmation that the igniter assembly on the ALICE flight motor housed an AeroTech H180 reload. The H180 was head-end ignited. This project is just so cool! (this short post now ... [Read More]