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Sport Rocketry / Events / Launches / Regional and Local / GRITS

    JonRocket.com: Georgia Rockets In The Sky (GRITS) 2016 (2016-03-02)
    For the third year in a row, JonRocket.com is attending GRITS as a vendor. GRITS is a regional launch sponsored by by SoAR (Southern Area Rocketry), a National Association of Rocketry section, ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Shaping Tool TIP (2010-11-29)
    Here's one of the best balsa shaping tools available. I first used an emery board in the 1970s when forming airfoils on the Estes V-2 fins. In the instructions, it was suggested for fin shaping. ... [Read More]

    Rocket Dungeon: Review: Ringer (2011-01-16)
    This is a ring-fin design that flies on 29mm motors. It uses several unique components: a poured foam, yarn wrapped cone and an engine bell built from Aquapod water bottles. The body is a 3" window ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Dr. Zooch SLS Build Part 22 LAS Nozzles (2012-03-17)
    The small LAS nozzles are actually cut from the back end of fancy toothpicks. These are small, and could be easily lost. Keep them in the bag! I've already dipped them twice in varnish, wiped off ... [Read More]

    Rocket Dungeon: First build status for the Harpoon (2012-07-04)
    I found that I actually had suitable balsa since the fin span is fairly short (3.5").  The fins are all cut and two of them are laminated with printer paper using 3M Super-77.  I found a ... [Read More]

    Model Rocket Building: Estes V2 Build Part 24 White Spray and Sand (2012-08-20)
    After the first white color coat, I had to go back and wet sand with 400 grit. The picture shows how much sanding was done, in some places down to the grey primer. It's hard to ... [Read More]

    Rocket N00b: A Rocketeer's Toolbox for the Absolute Beginner (2015-10-06)
    You have a basic Skill Level 1 rocket kit or two, and want to get started in rocketry. This is going to be a lot of fun! But to build rockets, you're going to need a few tools. Where to start? Do you ... [Read More]

    Rocket N00b: 25,000 Views (2016-05-30)
    Last night, The Rocket N00b blog hit 25,000 page views. I started this blog in August of 2014 - less than two years ago. I don't know if 25,000 is a lot of page views for a blog that's nearly two ... [Read More]

    JonRocket.com: Upcoming Launches – Bunnell Blast and (Turkey and) GRITS (2017-11-08)
    JonRocket.com will be at NEFAR’s Bunnell Blast the weekend of November 11 and 12 near Daytona Beach, Florida. Then we will be at the GRITS Launch near Tifton, Georgia, November 25 and 26. ... [Read More]