Garrett MIller's Page Pages:



Estes GBU-24 Paveway lll


Luanched the rocket 6X. All flights the same with slight curve and zero rotation.  Parachute deployment right after apogee.  Perfect everytime with the rocket floating down nomore than 50feet away everytime.  Perfect rocket, great engine size. - C6-3 - Gulf Community Park [More]


Estes Mini Honest John


Spun up with several turns.  Not much altitude and the rocket turned and droped. About 10 feet off the groud the parachute deployed. It the ground pretty hard. No damage - A10-3T - Gulf Community Park [More]


Estes Mini Honest John


Perfect flight.  Flew straight up with zero turn.  Parachute right after apogee. No damage - A10-3T - Gulf Community Park [More]


Estes Mini Honest John


First launch of the day.  Spun couple times and parachute deployment right after apogee.  Chute got tangled. No damage - A10-3T - Gulf Community Park [More]



Estes Mini Honest John


Forgot to take off the wind checker on top of the rod.  Rocket hit it and spun out of control. No more than 15feet.  Hit the ground hard. Broke a fin, LL, and the shock cord mount. Ordered new parachute, shock cord, wadding.  Fixed rocket - A10-3T - Delhi Park [More]


Garrett MIller