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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Kits / Madcow / Frenzy
"Uncle Sam" - Madcow 4" Frenzy - CTI J360 Skidmark (2014-04-20)
Ground-level and on-board videos of my 4" Madcow Frenzy rocket, "Uncle Sam". Maiden flight on a CTI Pro54 J360 Skidmark motor on 4/19/14 with the Quad Cities Rocket Society (QCRS) near Princeton, ... [View]
CTI J250 skidmark rocket at Dairy Aire 2014 (2014-05-18)
My Madcow Frenzy rocket "Aurora" flying on a CTI J250 skidmark at DairyAire 2014 near Fresno, CA. Great boost but the chute failed to deploy completely. Minor damage only. [View]