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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Events / Launches / Freedom Launch
Jon Chrisman's "Ultimate Wildman" Level 3 Certification Flight (2012-09-26)
Jon's successful level 3 certification flight with his rocket "Ultimate Wildman". Flown at Freedom Launch 2012 on September 1st in Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA. Technical Adviser was Tom Binford. ... [View]
Dr. Rockzo Rocket (2011-09-06)
Dr. Rockzo themed Sunward Eruption on 4 x C6-5s. Freedom Launch 2011, Orangeburg, SC. [View]
FL2010 Night Launch: Berl's Spool (2010-09-07)
At the night launch of the Freedom Launch '010, Berl Finklestein flew his Spool on a J-180. it sported a taped on flashlight and a blinking light under the cap. as you can see, it didn't go off as ... [View]
ICBM Tom Binford Yu Gotta Be Nuts (2021-04-25)
ICBM Tom Binford Yu Gotta Be Nuts From ICBM Freedom Launch 2009 [View]
The Ghoul Rocket Movie (2013-09-03)
A tribute to The Ghoul, a "B" rated movie host in the early 70's. Rocket is a 5 29mm cluster beast. Launched on a CTI "H399" and (2) Aerotech "G64's" on the pad, airstarting (2) CTI "H90's in 1 ... [View]