Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 2 - PARTS IS PARTS! (2018-08-08)
For this build, I am going with the plans published in the August 1969 Model Rocketry Magazine article. Copies of it can be found here: ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 3 - The Fuselage. (2018-08-09)
Now it's time to tackle the component that holds all the other parts together to make something that resembles a glider - the fuselage. The first step is to cut the two lengths of 1/4 x 1/2 balsa ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 5 - Some Mighty Fine Wing Assembly (2018-08-11)
Preparing the wing root edge for gluing… The MRm instructions say to bevel the root edges. This is done to provide a better gluing surface to join the two halves of the wing. ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 7 - Slapping The Glider Together (2018-08-13)
OK, so I don't really just 'slap' my models together. I am a careful modeler! The FlatCat's wing and tail sub-assemblies are completed, so now it's time to glue them to the ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 8 - The Pop-Pod (2018-08-14)
This post covers the assembly of the FlatCat's 'Removable Propulsion System Housing', a.k.a, the Pop-Pod. The heart of this sub-assembly is a 6 inch length of BT-20 or similar tubing. Before ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/ Glider Build, Part 9 - Makin' The Glider All 'Purty' (2018-08-15)
To start off with finishing the FlatCat, I hit it with a light coat of white sandable automotive primer. This is more for sealing the grain and providing a better surface after sanding for ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 10 - Decorative Embellishments (2018-08-16)
To finish off the glider details, I hand drew a rendition of the famous FlatCat logo, along with the model's fleet number and my old NAR number. Next, it's off to the park to do a little glide ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 11 - Oops! I Goofed Up... (2018-08-21)
Yep, I kinda got a couple things out of order. . I should have applied the silver trim Monokote strips to the wings before drawing the FlatCat logo. Turns out, the trim covers up part of the ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 12 - FlatCat For Lunch...Yummmm! (2018-08-23)
Right across the street from my workplace in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, is a nice, large public park with a decent expanse of grassy area. Appropriately, for a model rocketeer, the place is ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 13 - Pop-Pod Prime-Time (2018-08-27)
I didn't have very much time this past weekend to do a lot of rocket building work, but I did manage to get the primer coats and sanding finished on the FlatCat's pop pod. The 'Piece X', of ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 14 - Pop Pod Painting Party (2018-08-30)
Today is the day to apply the color coats to the FlatCat's pop-pod. I'm continuing on with the yellow/orange/red motif used on the glider. At first, the thought had been to mask off each color area ... [Read More]
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