Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost /Glider Build, Part 1 – Introduction. (2018-08-07)
The FlatCat Boost Glider was designed by G. Harry Stine back in the earlier days of model rocketry. It is arguably the quintessential example of a standard front engine pop-pod ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 2 - PARTS IS PARTS! (2018-08-08)
For this build, I am going with the plans published in the August 1969 Model Rocketry Magazine article. Copies of it can be found here: ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 3 - The Fuselage. (2018-08-09)
Now it's time to tackle the component that holds all the other parts together to make something that resembles a glider - the fuselage. The first step is to cut the two lengths of 1/4 x 1/2 balsa ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 4 - Let’s Rustle Us Up Some Glider Wings. (2018-08-10)
Ah, there’s nothing like a full-sized, fresh chunk of balsa wood – just waiting to be butchered! Taking the easy measurements off of the plans, the first job ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 5 - Some Mighty Fine Wing Assembly (2018-08-11)
Preparing the wing root edge for gluing… The MRm instructions say to bevel the root edges. This is done to provide a better gluing surface to join the two halves of the wing. ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 6 - The Tail Section (2018-08-12)
The beauty of building a boost/glider is that one can construct any of the several sub-assemblies while waiting for the glue to dry on all the others. This post deals with the FlatCat's ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 7 - Slapping The Glider Together (2018-08-13)
OK, so I don't really just 'slap' my models together. I am a careful modeler! The FlatCat's wing and tail sub-assemblies are completed, so now it's time to glue them to the ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 8 - The Pop-Pod (2018-08-14)
This post covers the assembly of the FlatCat's 'Removable Propulsion System Housing', a.k.a, the Pop-Pod. The heart of this sub-assembly is a 6 inch length of BT-20 or similar tubing. Before ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: Another Kit For The Build Pile.... (2018-08-14)
I just picked this baby up at Hobby Lobby. Back in the 'old fleet' days, I had a Nike-X that had been modified to fly as a two-stager: D12-0 in the booster, and 18mm upper stage. Very ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/ Glider Build, Part 9 - Makin' The Glider All 'Purty' (2018-08-15)
To start off with finishing the FlatCat, I hit it with a light coat of white sandable automotive primer. This is more for sealing the grain and providing a better surface after sanding for ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 10 - Decorative Embellishments (2018-08-16)
To finish off the glider details, I hand drew a rendition of the famous FlatCat logo, along with the model's fleet number and my old NAR number. Next, it's off to the park to do a little glide ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 11 - Oops! I Goofed Up... (2018-08-21)
Yep, I kinda got a couple things out of order. . I should have applied the silver trim Monokote strips to the wings before drawing the FlatCat logo. Turns out, the trim covers up part of the ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 12 - FlatCat For Lunch...Yummmm! (2018-08-23)
Right across the street from my workplace in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, is a nice, large public park with a decent expanse of grassy area. Appropriately, for a model rocketeer, the place is ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 13 - Pop-Pod Prime-Time (2018-08-27)
I didn't have very much time this past weekend to do a lot of rocket building work, but I did manage to get the primer coats and sanding finished on the FlatCat's pop pod. The 'Piece X', of ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 14 - Pop Pod Painting Party (2018-08-30)
Today is the day to apply the color coats to the FlatCat's pop-pod. I'm continuing on with the yellow/orange/red motif used on the glider. At first, the thought had been to mask off each color area ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: FlatCat Boost/Glider Build, Part 15 - Finishing Up (2018-09-08)
Now that the paint on the pop pod is dry, it gets some fleet number decals applied. It's funny to think that this project is only the 117th model rocket I've ever built for my ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: BAR Fleet #117 - FlatCat Boost/Glider (2018-09-10)
Scratch Built From Published Plans Designer: G. Harry Stine Type: Conventional Pop-Pod Boost/Glider Stages: Single Engine Type: 18mm Recovery: Streamer , Glider ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: Back In The Day, #14 - It''s Deja Vu All Over Again! (2018-09-11)
As I have been wrapping up the final details of the recent Canopus-2 and FlatCat rocket builds, I took some time to descend the dark, dank staircase that leads to the secret BlastFromThePast rocket ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: Launch Date: 14 April, 2019 – An Impromptu Launch Session (2019-04-16)
Early Sunday afternoon, I found an email from fellow Castle Rock area rocketeer, James Gazur, stating that local wind and weather conditions were favorable for a launch. How about ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: Trimmin' That Ol''Cat (2019-06-17)
I stepped out at lunch time today to spend a few minutes at the nearby park with the new FlatCat glider getting it glide trimmed. Weather was perfect with a minimal breeze. The verdict: ... [Read More]
Blast From The Past: BAR Fleet: #121 FlatCat-C (2019-06-25)
Scratch Built From Published Plans, Designed by: G. Harry Stine, T ype: Boost/Glider Glider Length: 41cm Wing Span: 34cm Weight: 18.0g Pod Length: 17cm Diameter: ... [Read More]
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